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The Best Antivirus Rescue Disks

If malware is preventing you from being able to run standard antivirus software, bootable rescue disks can help. These tools allow you to examine your PC without needing to run Windows or Windows. They can often uncover malware that antivirus software may fail to detect. Some even look through the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the hard drive, which is especially beneficial for eliminating persistent or difficult-to-clean malware.

These bootable tools tend to provide a basic text interface, but most come with customization options so that you can choose to scan specific folders or files, or only sizes or types of files, and many more. The top of these tools come with a visual interface and support for more advanced threats like rootkits, and other forms of ransomware.

AVG Rescue CD, with its basic but comprehensive GUI, and many scanning options, is a great example. It’s also one of the few to offer an all-inclusive MBR scan which is normally impossible to perform from an unbootable program. It’s not the fastest software on this list however, and its text-only user interface isn’t for everyone.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk is a different top choice that’s fast, has a well-designed interface and can handle more advanced viruses. It has features you won’t discover in other bootable antivirus tools, such as the ability to scan boot sector and hidden startup objects as well as fileless and the entire drive. You can also set exclusions in order to cut down the time required to scan. It identified all the malware we sent, including ones that were not detected by other antivirus software.

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